Baby Foods

Baby Foods

For the first introduction

Beggs smiling pouches provide the child with interesting combinations of fruits and vegetables in organic quality. They are suitable from the end of the 6th month, when your baby can sit with minimal support, controls the head, lifts objects and shows interest in food.
The recipes were developed by attentive parents in collaboration with nutritional specialists. The pouches also contain vitamin C, which contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

When the tummy smiles, the parents are also satisfied

Organic quality

Organic quality

Made in the Czech Republic

Made in the Czech Republic

S vitamíny A, B1, D

With vitamin C

S vápníkem

No added sugars1

Bez palmového oleje

Practical packaging with a cap

1 Contains naturally occurring sugars.

A tip for you from our satisfied mindful parents:
Rejecting or spitting out food, crying or grimacing is a normal part of discovery. Therefore, try to be positive and patient. It’s best to start slowly, with one meal a day. At a time when he/she is in a good mood and a little hungry. The ideal timing is about an hour after breastfeeding or bottle feeding, when he/she is happy and rested.