The Beggs brand for happy children and satisfied parents

We strongly believe that you will like Beggs and will come back to us with a smile not only for shopping. Your satisfaction is extremely important to us, because you bring it in to the mood and functioning of your family. Happy childhood starts with happy parenthood.

Our products

Complete* nutrition for every phase of your child's diet. Food supplements and cosmetic care for the whole family. For satisfied mindful parenting.
* As required by the law for all infant and child nutrition.

A smile, the whole family can trust

Developed by parents

Beggs products were developed by parents from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The power of multipotentiality

Beggs not only provides the necessary care, but also helps to build characteristicsof Your family.


Beggs products are based on mindfulness. They think of the needs of all members of your family.

About us

Joy lives in our DNA

Beggs will cheer up children‘s tummies

and conjure up a smile on your face. And because it's healthy to smile, you'll want it every day.

Follow the rituals

Beggs promotes the emotional comfort of the family. Therefore, you can include it in your rituals. Family rituals are an important element in building a positive culture and a strong identity. They bring individual members of the family together, at the same time they help to create secure bonds, built on shared experiences and interests. Although some rituals may seem nonsensical or strange to others, but do not be manipulated or discouraged.

Distinguish ritual from routine

Beggs teaches to do things consciously and fully. It separates the routine from the ritual, which can also be the feeding time. Rituals should not be reduced to mechanical habits. These are focused on performance and time efficiency. The ritual requires full attention. It focuses on personal enjoyment and spiritual fulfillment, which mindless routine cannot do. Rituals stabilize life and teach mindfulness. They provide a mental sanctuary from the relentlessness of social media and the fast world we live in.

Mindful parenting

A child is a parent's greatest teacher. It awakens them to be real. It gives them the gift of self-awareness, self-expression and deep self-confidence.
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and enjoy every day
20 rituálů pro Vaši rodinu

20 rituals
for your family

to support emotional comfort in the family

Our parents

Meet our satisfied mindful parents.

Meet our satisfied mindful parents.

Feel free to explore their stories. Collect the best inspirations and adapt them to your needs.


You can do it with a smile. Mindful Blog that helps parents and children.
<strong>Natural</strong> baby care even for the most sensitive skin. Why bet on <strong>Beggs</strong> baby cosmetics?

Natural baby care even for the most sensitive skin. Why bet on Beggs baby cosmetics?

<strong>6 facts</strong> you should know before taking food supplements

6 facts you should know before taking food supplements

How to <strong>properly care</strong> for <strong>eczematous skin</strong> in babies?

How to properly care for eczematous skin in babies?

For <strong>the first introduction with food</strong>. Your little ones will fall in love with smiling pouches in <strong>ORGANIC quality</strong> at the first taste

For the first introduction with food. Your little ones will fall in love with smiling pouches in ORGANIC quality at the first taste

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VIDEO: Visiting Martin, Adélka and Gabika

VIDEO: Gabika and her experiences: nutrition and food supplements

VIDEO: Gabika and her experiences: rest and self-care

All videos